Preview pictures

I arrived yesterday to Madrid, after I spent a wonderful weekend in Pamplona. These are some photos Friday, and on the next days I’ll show the rest :) Ayer llegué a Madrid, después de haber pasado un maginífico fin de semana en Pamplona. Aquí tenéis unas pocas de fotos del (Read more …)

Next stop : Pamplona

Good morning guys!!! Just now I’m leaving to Pamplona to spend the whole weekend in a good company. Just in case you don’t know anything about Pamplona, it’s the city where the Sanfermines are celebrated. I hope you’ll have a wonderful weekend!! :D ¡¡ Buenos días chicos!! Ahora mismo estoy (Read more …)

On the train

Here there are some photos taken on the train back to Madrid, for the trip I wore comfortable outfit: jeans, boots and my faux fur coat. Well, talking about today are you following the NYFW? What do you think about the fashion shows and the spring/summer designs? I promise I’ll (Read more …)

Aristocrazy fashion show

Today I’ll be free at 2.00pm, and the plan is going out with my university friends and relaxes!!! Well, the MBFW Madrid ended this last Sunday, I’ve been following it online, and I have to say that one of the best, for me, has been the Aristocrazy fashion show :) which (Read more …)